Middle School Electives
Middle School Electives Elective choices vary each semester for middle school students. Students will submit their first and second choices for each elective period at the beginning and middle of the school year. We do our best to place students in their first choice class, however we do not guarantee this placement due to the number of students requesting classes and room size. Once electives are determined for each student, students will remain in their quarter-long courses until the next quarter. Some middle school elective courses are "YEAR-LONG" courses (i.e. band, orchestra, choir). If a student is placed in a year-long course, the student/family agrees to participate in the course for the entire school year and will not be released mid-year to participate in a different elective course. Year-long courses help our students engage in rehearsals that accumulate into many performance projects throughout the year. For group success, it is important the group stay in tact for the entire school year. Intervention courses are provided during elective periods for students who are not meeting standard in ELA or Math. Students placed in intervention courses can "test-out" of the course if they show improvement and move into their first or second choice of electives.